• Cafely


    Coffee-Gourmet / Houses / Roasters

    About Us

    Nestled in the heart of premium beverage craftsmanship lies Cafely, a brand renowned for its exquisite offering of specialty beverage products. With a spotlight on authentic Vietnamese coffee, this brand takes pride in its extensive selection of ground coffee and beans, instant coffee packs, ready-to-drink cold brews, organic coffee creamers, energy gummies, and innovative supplement-infused products.

    Look no further than Cafely for an authentic Vietnamese coffee experience distilled into convenient packets of Instant Coffee, perfect for those on the go who crave the bold taste without the fuss. Dive into a world of flavors with options like black, milk, and coconut variants, all boasting a mere gram of sugar to cater to the health-conscious consumer.

    Energize your day with the Boost Packs, marrying potent caffeine content with the vitality of adaptogenic mushrooms for an unparalleled stamina and focus upgrade. Thriving on a sugar-free formula, these Boost Packs applaud the discerning taste of those monitoring their sugar intake.

    Catering to diverse palates and preferences, Cafely offers caffeine-free alternatives for the sensitive souls who revel in the taste of coffee without the caffeine jolt. Their Ready-To-Drink Cold Brew Coffee range encapsulates modernity with a touch of Vietnamese coffee tradition, marrying robusta beans with coconut sweetness, egg foam richness, and condensed milk creaminess.

    But wait, there's more. Delve into a world of luminous tea blends meticulously curated to illuminate the individuality of each ingredient. From soothing herbal infusions to metabolism-boosting oolong teas, Cafely traipses across the realm of teas with finesse, making it a one-stop oasis for beverage connoisseurs.

    In the pursuit of excellence and sustainability, Cafely embodies ethical sourcing practices and eco-conscious packaging, ensuring a symphony of flavors resonates harmoniously with the elements. Indulge in the unparalleled hospitality of Cafely, where quality, authenticity, and sustainability converge in a rich tapestry of beverages curated for the discerning consumer.