Google Maps
Visit sites around the world from the comfort of your home, get a bird’s-eye-view of your childhood neighborhood, or simply get directions to your friend’s house! Google Maps is a mapping application that offers satellite imagery, street maps, and street-view perspectives. It also has a route planner for your preferred transportation method, be it foot, car, bicycle or public transportation. During this lecture, you’ll get an introduction to the platform and a demonstration of how to use it. ABOUT SENIOR PLANET: Senior Planet from AARP delivers award-winning training programs that are designed to help older adults understand and effectively use technology to achieve targeted outcomes in their social connectedness, health, civic engagement, financial security and creative expression. Learn more on seniorplanet.org Register: http://aarp.cvent.com/Tech2022
Google MapsDate and Time
Friday May 13, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM AKDTFriday, May 13, 2022, 12 PM to 1 PM
ZOOM Link : https://aarp-org.zoom.us/j/98517703418?pwd=NFk4UUdRQzl4cTF3TzE2MU9WYUxlZz09
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