2025 Juneau Fly-In
Join us February 11th - 13th to meet with our state legislators and administration!
For more information: fairbankschamber.org/juneau-fly-in
Please make sure and fill out the registration form!
2025 Juneau Fly-In Registration - Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce, AKRegistration closes January 31st!
Advocate for a healthy economic future for Alaska!
Every year, the Fairbanks Chamber and its members fly to Juneau to inform legislators and the administration of our advocacy priorities and concerns. Participating in our Juneau Fly-In allows you to engage in the policy-making process and gives your business exposure and presence among lawmakers.
The 1.5-day agenda includes group meetings with legislators, administrative leadership, department commissioners, and an evening reception. All meetings are pre-arranged by the Chamber staff. First time flying with us? Don't worry, we pair first-time participants with Chamber members who have experience advocating for our priorities.
Friday, January 31
Hotel room block closes. If you miss this date, you may book at the corporate rate if rooms are still available in area hotels.
Friday, February 7
Mandatory pre-trip orientation: 3:00 - 4:30 PM (location to be determined)
Tuesday, February 11
Travel to Juneau
Wednesday, February 12
Breakfast program: 7:00 - 8:00 AM (Baranof Hotel, Douglas Room))
Meetings with legislators and government officials: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Lunch program: 12:00 - 1:00 PM (Baranof Hotel, Douglas Room)
Evening reception: 5:00 - 7:00 PM (Baranof Hotel)
Thursday, February 13
Breakfast program: 7:00 - 8:00 AM (Baranof Hotel, Douglas Room)
Meetings with legislators and government officials: 8:00 - 11:00 AM
Depart Juneau2025 Juneau Fly-InDate and Time
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025 Thursday Feb 13, 2025
Juneau, Alaska
We recommend staying at the Baranof Hotel.Fees/Admission
Members: $275 (includes two breakfasts, a lunch, and reception)
*This event does not include airfare and hotel.
Any cancellations or registration changes must be made before January 31.
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