Events Calendar
WRW - The Great Alaskan Bowl Company
The Great Alaskan Bowl Company details how their business creates products ''from tree to bowl'' with zero unused waste for Waste Reduction Week
Categories: Community Events
WRW - Northern Environmental Center
Open house, tour and art sale at Northern Environmental Center in support of Waste Reduction Week.
Categories: Community Events
WRW - In-Person Composting Workshop with Compost FBX
Waste Reduction Week in-person composting workshop by Compost FBX
Categories: Community Events
WRW - CRF (Central Recycling Facility) tour and open house
Tour the FNSB Central Recycling Facility during Waste Reduction Week.
Categories: Community Events
WRW - Chena Tool Library Open House
Tour Chena Tool Library during their open house for Waste Reduction Week
Categories: Community Events
WRW - Access Alaska tour and open house
Access Alaska talks about waste reduction and sustainability in their mission of providing accessibility to all.
Categories: Community Events
Categories: Community Events
Waste Reduction Week - Virtual Composting Workshop with Compost FBX
Virtual presentation by Compost FBX about composting strategies, methods and results for Alaska. Part of Waste Reduction Week.
Categories: Community Events
Waste Reduction Week - Tour of ReUse IT and Green Star of Interior Alaska
Green Star of Interior Alaska facility tour and electronics recycling presentation. 2134 Texaco Ave. Fairbanks. Noon - 2:00 PM. Part of Waste Reduction Week
Categories: Community Events
Categories: Chamber Of CommerceCommunity Events